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Think North
Because 'Going South' isn't an option

Curated Internships

Bridging Industry and Academia

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the bridge between academia and the real-world demands of industry is more crucial than ever. Our curated internships are designed not just to fill gaps but to forge new pathways for growth and learning. By meticulously matching problem statements from startups with the skill sets and career aspirations of interns, we create a synergy that benefits both students and startups alike.

Why Curated Internships Matter

  • Aligned Learning and Business Goals: Interns work on projects that resonate with their personal career goals, ensuring engagement and meaningful contributions.
  • Enhanced Outputs for Startups: Startups receive high-quality work tailored to their specific needs, driving their projects forward efficiently.
  • Mentorship and Progress Checks: Our ongoing mentorship and regular progress assessments add a layer of quality control, enhancing the learning curve for interns and the outcome quality for startups.

What We Offer

Our curated internship program is structured to provide value to both interns and startups:

  • Tailored Matchmaking: We align intern skills and learning objectives with startup needs, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement.
  • Strategic Oversight: By overseeing these internships, we bring our strategic advisory expertise into play, enriching the internship experience and the startup’s developmental trajectory.
  • Semi-Managed Internship Experiences: We manage the administrative and oversight aspects, allowing startups to focus on core activities while interns gain substantial industry exposure.

Proven Benefits

  • For Students: Gain firsthand experience in your field of interest, work on meaningful projects, and make substantial contributions to real-world applications.
  • For Startups: Access to a pool of motivated interns ready to tackle the challenges you face, with the added benefit of strategic insights from our team.

Join Our Curated Internship Program

If you are a student eager to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting, or a startup seeking fresh perspectives and enthusiastic contributions.

Connect with Us Today